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Biblia Sacra – 1514 – JOHN 12-13


“God is Glorified!”


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SKU: AB1514BS007 Category:


JOHN 11:54-13:32. “God is glorified!” Printed in Lyon, France, by Jacques Mareschal, 1514. Size: 6.5″ x 4.75″. Reference: Adams B990; D&M 6093n. With 2 historiated woodcut initials. FINE condition. Strokes and underlines, one of the underlines punching through. COA on premium “gold leaf” paper with gold seal and signature. Includes “Origins of the Vulgate Bible” with an English translation of important verses. Text recounts the celebrated “foot washing,” a reminder that Jesus’ glory, and thus God’s, is in his servanthood and crucifixion — demonstrations of his relentless love.

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Bible / Date

Biblia Sacra / 1514

