GALATIANS 1:1 Title. With: 2 CORINTHIANS 10:5-13:12. “Signs of an Apostle.” [Eng. trans. 2 Cor 10-12, various]. Handwritten and Illuminated in Paris, c.1240-1250, in the manner of the Johannes Grusch Atelier =workshop]. Gothic script on fine vellum. Illuminated and painted serpent-dragon beast w. wings w/in a 7 line Initial “P” w. an extended 16+2 line beak, and a 4 line preface initial in foliate patterns; in blue, pink, orange, burnished gold, green, gray, yellow, and red. Rubricated throughout, with 3 scrolling initials in blue and red extended penwork. SUPERIOR condition; a few small jots/dots. COA on premium “gold leaf” paper. A superb example of painted manuscripts w. an outstanding text from the Pauline epistles (earliest reference to Lord’s Supper).