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Biblia Sacra – 1482 multi – 1 KINGS 18-20


“Contest on Mt Carmel”


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SKU: BF1482AK003 Category:


1 KINGS 18:29-20:30. “Contest on Mt Carmel”. Biblia Sacra (Latin Bible), printed in Nuremburg by Anton Koberger, 1482. 11″ x 7.75″ The fifth Koberger Bible. Reference: D&M 6081 (2); GW 4250.  EXCELLENT condition. Top margin just above the headline; small blotches at end of ch 20 mostly in margin. Two (2) large multi-colored, hand painted initials. Fabulous! The text reports the famous Contest on Mt Carmel, pitting the LORD’s prophet, Elijah, against the thousands of priests of Baal (working on behalf of the wicked King Ahab). Prophet v. King. Guess who wins!

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Bible / Date

Biblia Sacra / 1482 multi-colored




11" x 7.75"