ISAIAH 39:2-41:22. “Comfort ye, comfort ye, my people” (40:1). Printed in London by Christopher Barker, 1576. First folio edition printed in England. Herbert 144b. FINE+ condition, shaved/angled top margin, minor light stain (see pics). Small folio, 10.25″ x 6.75″. Text begins the oracles of “Second Isaiah” (Ch 40-55) written at the end of the Babylonian Exile c.538 BCE, the most important event in OT history besides the Exodus. The prophet announces that Israel’s sin has been forgiven and that they are free to return to the Land promised by God to Abraham. Indeed, the prophet announces yet a new promise: that the Lord himself will soon join them in Jerusalem — therefore prepare his way, a promise fulfilled by John the Baptizer and by Jesus of Nazareth, Israel’s messiah-king.