1 CORINTHIANS 15:16-48. “Adam & Christ”. The Greek New Testament. Novum Testamentum. Printed in Cambridge by Tho. Buck, 1632. FIRST CAMBRIDGE EDITION. The so-called “Textus Receptus” or Received Text. Since Erasmus’ early Geek text of 1516, it was the dominant text until about 1850 when older/better manuscripts were being discovered. Ref: STC 2796, Herbert 4678. SUPERIOR condition (see pic). COA on premium “gold leaf” paper. English trans. on COA, from 15:17, 21-26, 47-48. Text is the 2nd part of Ch 15 on the significance for us of Jesus’ resurrection into the new creation, arguably the most important chapter in Paul’s letters, and here restates Romans 5:12-21.