EXODUS 1:12-3:13. “The Burning Bush”. Printed in London by R. Barker, 1617. The 2nd 59-line LARGE FOLIO edition (counting the First Edition 1611 “He” and “She” variants as a single edition, and the 72-line 1613 folio being a separate edition altogether). Reference: Herbert 353. 2 Woodcut initials! FINE condition overall. Corners with wear and minor stains or creases (see pics). Biblical text and Notes are wholly intact. Text includes the setting for the Exodus Event: Israel’s slavery and Moses at the Burning Bush.
The 1617 edition is nearly identical to the 1611 edition, with differences in some word spacing, spelling, and woodcut design — only an expert can distinguish the two editions! The leaves of the 1611 and 1617 editions were printed to be fully interchangeable. Census: 1611 “He”, 175 copies; 1611 “She” 450 copies; 1617, 225 copies. While the number of extant 1617 Bibles is about the same as the 1611 “He” Bibles, demand dictates price.