MICAH 3:2-7:6 . “What doth the LORD require of thee?” (6:8). FIRST EDITION. V.Rare. Less than 100 known copies. Printed in Trenton, NJ by Isaac Collins, 1791. Known as: “The Bible of Colonial America” and as “The First Family Bible in America.” References: Evans 23184. Hills 31.
Provenance: The Whitall Family Bible, of 25 preserved OT leaves or premium leaf-sets; NT preserved separately. Signatories: (1) Ann C[ooper] Whitall (1791-1822, daughter of James and Ann Whitall 1716-1797), to (2) Hannah W[hitall] Tatum (1797 or 1803-1848, Ann’s sister), to (3) Anna “Annie” M. Whitall (b.1834, daughter of Alice C. and Israel F. Whitall) as last known owner. Of note: Ann C. and Hannah were sisters not only to Israel but to John M. Whitall (b.1800) the father of Hannah Whitall Smith (1832-1911), famed Holiness author and evangelist. Ann C[ooper]. Whitall’s grandmother of the same name (1716-1797) is famous for her “heroic” role at the Battle of Red Bank N.J. during the Revolutionary War. Hannah Whitall Smith (1832-1911, daughter of Mary Tatum and John M. Whitall – brother to Ann and Hannah and Israel) aka “angel of the churches” is famous as an early leader/preacher/speaker/teacher/author in the Wesleyan Holiness Movement in England and the U.S. Her books are widely reprinted to this day. The Bible from which these leaves came was, by its signatures, a treasure of the Whitall family. COA and provenance are provided with this leaf.
EXCELLENT+ condition. FULL HEADINGS & MARGINS – please note: pics might cut of headings and upper margin. (The paper for this edition was notoriously poor, so a fine or better condition is the notable exception; shaved upper margins were also common). Bifold Portfolio holds a premium leaf and a “gold leaf” COA. Included: a facsimile of the Whitall Family Bible’s general title with signatures noted above, and a written family Provenance.