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Biblia Sacra – 1514 – 1 CORINTHIANS 11-14


“Love – Charitas!”


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SKU: TF1514BS011 Category:


1 CORINTHIANS 11:14-14:25. “Love – Charitas!“. Printed in Lyon, France, by Jacques Mareschal, 1514. Size: 6.5″ x 4.75”. Reference: Adams B990; D&M 6093n. With 2 historiated woodcut initials. FINE condition. Marginal notes, strokes and underlines. COA on premium “gold leaf” paper with gold seal and signature. Includes “Origins of the Vulgate Bible” with an English translation of important verses. Text includes the very famous “Love Chapter” (13).

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Bible / Date

Biblia Sacra / 1514

