Jonah Thrown Into the Whale. First State. 1582. Plate 1 from the two plate series “Jonah and the Whale”, inspired from the Book of Jonah. Hollstein 128, pl.1. Conceptual artist and painter, Theodor Bernard (Amst)erdam = Theodor [Dirk] Barendszoon (signature). Engraver and publisher, Jan / Johannes Sadeler I (signature). Existing plate 8.75″ x 7.25″. Mostly clean, sharp impression. Unmounted, cut just inside the plate, slightly shaved on right side, text removed, small cuts at old creases, unrepaired; moderately dark foxing in places (see pics). An early engraving of this iconic scene. For comparison, see the British Museum, Cat # 1868,0612.513.
Engraving and COA set in a museum-quality Bifold Portfolio, of linen cloth and silk moire, within archival sleeves; COA on premium “gold leaf” paper with gold seal and signature.